Dienstag, 3. März 2020

Healthy Living: F/27/5’4” [252>222=30] I recently noticed that my hands were starting to look like hands instead of mitts and that I had to use a shorter notch on my watch band so I decided to find a pic of my arm at my heaviest to compare! Still very early in my journey but this is encouraging

Healthy Living Progress Pictures: F/27/5’4” [252>222=30] I recently noticed that my hands were starting to look like hands instead of mitts and that I had to use a shorter notch on my watch band so I decided to find a pic of my arm at my heaviest to compare! Still very early in my journey but this is encouraging Congratulations to GREAT results with my new FREE Cookbook!
Get your FREE copy now

GetFit,workout,healthy,exercise,weight,health ,fitness,FatLoss,diet,weightloss,loseweight,healthyliving,healthyeating,nutrition

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