Sonntag, 5. Februar 2023

Healthy Living: F/25/5'3" [203.2 > 175.4 = 27.8lb lost] (6 months) Moved out of a bad living environment, asked my doctor to explain my PCOS, developed a healthy relationship with food, and learned to love exercising. Never been prouder and just starting to add strength training :) To the next 6 months!

Healthy Living Progress Pictures: F/25/5'3" [203.2 > 175.4 = 27.8lb lost] (6 months) Moved out of a bad living environment, asked my doctor to explain my PCOS, developed a healthy relationship with food, and learned to love exercising. Never been prouder and just starting to add strength training :) To the next 6 months! Congratulations to GREAT results with my new FREE Cookbook!
Get your FREE copy now

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