Sonntag, 5. Juli 2020

Healthy Living: F/21/5'6" [160,9lbs > 125,6lbs = 35,3lbs] Currently recomping and had to remind myself how far I've come within the past year. Those pants are way too big now lol. Never give up, no matter how slow the progress. We'll get there guys!

Healthy Living Progress Pictures: F/21/5'6" [160,9lbs > 125,6lbs = 35,3lbs] Currently recomping and had to remind myself how far I've come within the past year. Those pants are way too big now lol. Never give up, no matter how slow the progress. We'll get there guys! Congratulations to GREAT results with my new FREE Cookbook!
Get your FREE copy now

GetFit,workout,healthy,exercise,weight,health ,fitness,FatLoss,diet,weightloss,loseweight,healthyliving,healthyeating,nutrition

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