Samstag, 1. Juni 2019

Healthy Living: F/23/5'4" [80kg > 60kg =20kg] (7 months) After going down to "S" from "XXL", due to some hard times, I gained so much weight back that I felt like such a failure. Now, again, I'm back to "S" I want to tell you, it's okay. It's okay to fail and have some setbacks. Just get up & move on, we got this.

Healthy Living Progress Pictures: F/23/5'4" [80kg > 60kg =20kg] (7 months) After going down to "S" from "XXL", due to some hard times, I gained so much weight back that I felt like such a failure. Now, again, I'm back to "S" I want to tell you, it's okay. It's okay to fail and have some setbacks. Just get up & move on, we got this. Congratulations to GREAT results with my new FREE Cookbook!
Get your FREE copy now

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