Donnerstag, 16. März 2023

Healthy Living: F/23/5’7'' [356 >286= 70lbs ] (12 months) Exactly a year between these pics. Lost 70lbs but gained a shape to my back and noticably slimmer face. I'm really happy! My next soft goal is to get under 220 by the end of the year.

Healthy Living Progress Pictures: F/23/5’7'' [356 >286= 70lbs ] (12 months) Exactly a year between these pics. Lost 70lbs but gained a shape to my back and noticably slimmer face. I'm really happy! My next soft goal is to get under 220 by the end of the year. Congratulations to GREAT results with my new FREE Cookbook!
Get your FREE copy now

GetFit,workout,healthy,exercise,weight,health ,fitness,FatLoss,diet,weightloss,loseweight,healthyliving,healthyeating,nutrition

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