Donnerstag, 23. April 2020

Healthy Living: F/26/5'10" [176lbs --> 145lbs = -31lbs] Felt inspired by a lot of you guys to remind myself how far I've come, even if I've put on a few lbs since shutdown... OMAD/IF and a bunch of swimming (although not as of late)

Healthy Living Progress Pictures: F/26/5'10" [176lbs --> 145lbs = -31lbs] Felt inspired by a lot of you guys to remind myself how far I've come, even if I've put on a few lbs since shutdown... OMAD/IF and a bunch of swimming (although not as of late) Congratulations to GREAT results with my new FREE Cookbook!
Get your FREE copy now

GetFit,workout,healthy,exercise,weight,health ,fitness,FatLoss,diet,weightloss,loseweight,healthyliving,healthyeating,nutrition

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